Обратите внимание, что czech republic trade relations удалении или отключении файлов cookie Вы не сможете получить доступ к определенным разделам или функциям нашего сайта. Закрыв это сообщение или начав навигацию на данном веб-сайте, Вы соглашаетесь на использование файлов cookie.
В области ИТ, процессов управления документооборотом и решений для цифровой производительной печати, мы предоставляем услуги консалтинга, внедрения и управления проектами. Дипломатические отношения между Чехословакией и Японией были установлены в 1919 году. После распада Чехословакии в 1993 году, Япония признала как Чешскую республику, так и Словакию, и продолжила отношения с обеими странами. В июле 2002 года Их Высочества Император и Императрица Японии Акихито и Митико совершили официальный визит в Прагу. Экономические отношения между Японией и Чешской республикой развиваются постепенно с большим ростом инвестиций и торговли электромашинами и механическими компонентами.
Чехия имеет посольство в Токио и почётное консульство в Кобе. Czech Focus, Prague, October 2015 Архивировано 27 апреля 2016 года. Maekawa Kunio and the Emergence of Japanese Modernist Architecture. London, United Kingdom : University of California Press, 2001. Coat of arms of the Czech Republic. Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 8 марта 2019 в 22:18. Ваш список сохраняется локально и не будет доступен на других устройствах.
Отправить избранные вакансии по электронной почте. Приносим свои извинения за доставленные неудобства. Мы поддерживаем браузеры, а не динозавров. Обновите свой браузер, чтобы содержимое этой веб-страницы отображалось правильно. The aim of this privacy notice is to provide information about the relevant processing operations, which apply to natural persons with whom we cooperate over the course of our business.
This privacy notice applies to our processing of your personal data if you act in capacity of a business partner, media contact or other non-business contact person, as described below. If you are using an Avast product or service independent of this capacity, the general privacy policy concerning the use of our products shall apply. Keep in mind that if you disclose to us personal data of employees or any other natural persons acting on your behalf or in cooperation with you, you have to inform them Avast will process their personal data in accordance with this notice. The relevant data subjects to whom the personal data processed by Avast relate, include employees and representatives of Avast’s business partner, or, in case that you are a sole proprietor, of you personally. We process this data to enter into and perform our contract with you and to provision our products and services to the end users. In order to sell its business-oriented products and services, Avast partners with resellers and distributors. If you are Avast’s reseller or a distributor, the following applies to you.
In addition to the data use described above, resellers or distributors have access to and have their information recorded in our databases. You provide your personal data to us when you register as our partner through the Avast Partner Portal. Each reseller or distributor is assigned a unique number. Avast has put in place a Partner Locator functionality, which allows our customers to find an Avast reseller or distributor near them. Participation in the Partner Locator is voluntary, and your data will not be published through Partner Locator if you have not granted your consent to such publication.
We send our resellers and distributors newsletters, which inform them of our new products and opportunities for reselling. Over the course of carrying out its activities, Avast, like any other business, communicates with various parties outside of its business relationships. To that end, it utilizes contact information of relevant persons. Specific information about how we use your personal data is below. Avast conducts activities in the area of public relations and associated external communications, through communication with journalists, media and other external communications concerning Avast activities or other events which are relevant or important to our company. If we process your personal data for these purposes, we will use it to communicate with you in your capacity as a journalist or member or a representative of another media outlet.
We conduct our other non-business communications for the purposes of organizing, carrying out, supporting and promoting our non-profit activities, supporting education and raising awareness about cybersecurity and privacy issues. In this respect, we may use your personal data in order to contact you in connection with organizing and performing various types of events concerning these issues, such as workshops, seminars, panels or other educational or awareness-raising activities. The sources of your personal data, including your contact information, other than the ones described below, may also include state authorities which have granted their support to our activities. Processing of personal data during our live events themselves is governed by our general privacy policy. Avast, as a general rule, does not share personal data with any third parties. If we are obligated to do so by law or where we are defending our rights and legitimate interests, for instance, in case of potential legal claims, we may have to share your personal data with third parties, such as the relevant state authorities or courts. We will store your personal data for as long as they are relevant to Avast.
Where the processing of your personal data is based on consent, we will erase your personal data without undue delay after you have withdrawn it, unless we need those personal data for other legitimate reasons. Due to the fact that Avast operates as a global business, your personal data may be transferred to countries outside of the European Economic Area, which have different legal rules concerning protection of your personal data. That being said, our data collection and management practices do not vary by location. You have the right to information about whether and how Avast processes your personal data, the right of access to your personal data, and the right to rectification and erasure of personal data or restriction of processing. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data as well as the right to data portability.