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Sytin graduated 1982 from the Faculty of History of the Moscow State University. He received the degree of Candidate of Historic Sciences in 1986, after defending his dissertation on “Diplomatic relations during the Napoleonic Wars”. 1975-1987 he worked in the State Historical Museum. He was never a member of the Communist Party and didn’t serve in Soviet nor Russian Army.
2012 he became the head of the Baltic and CIS sector and the deputy of the “Centre of Near Abroad”. He is the author of more than 50 articles about Germany, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine and Belarus, problems in international relations and history of the Baltic States. Украинский институт глобального развития и адаптации. Страны Балтии в оставе СССР: от постсталинизма до перестройки 1953—1990. Страны Балтии в конце ХХ — начале XXI вв. Политика ЕС по отношению к союзному государству. Очерки по истории стран Балтии начала XXI в.
Проблемы истории стран Балтии и их взаимоотношений с Россией конец 80-х — начало 90-х годов ХХ в. Mirko Raduševič, Literární noviny, February 6, 2015. No One Will Die for Putin,’ Sytin Says, by Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia, January 25, 2015. The article analyses the fight of the Cossacks on the side of the Nazi Germany in the World War II. Both the emigrant Cossacks and the Soviet Cossacks are the subject of the research. Do you want to read the rest of this article? Нацистская верхушка о войне Третьего Рейха против СССР.